Thursday, May 7, 2009

95% of Women Make These Same Weight Loss Mistakes Over and Over

Stephanie and Margo are 27 and 59 years old respectively. I use them as examples because of their age differences, yet both of them achieving very similar results... and inspiring results at that! When they first came to me, they were spewing a lot of the same old negative beliefs about their body that I see so many women have... they would say things such as:

"Oh, I'll never lose weight... my metabolism is shot and just way too slow!"

or"I'll just have to accept my flabby body the way it is because with my genetics, I'll never get a flat stomach."or

"I've tried everything and nothing works... I'm doomed to have this pooch-belly and love handle rolls for life!"or

"I just don't have time to get in shape... it's just impossible for me with my busy schedule... I should just give up."

The fact is... they both proved ALL of these beliefs DEAD WRONG! And so have thousands of other women that changed their mindset, their workout techniques, and their nutrition habits drastically from their old habits that weren't working.

Over the last 10 years of training and consulting hundreds of women on nutrition, quite a few patterns started to emerge and I noticed most women were falling into many of the same traps. Some of them I mentioned above with the excess cardio, the time wasted doing crunches & situps, the bogus fat-burner pills, the worthless ab gadgets, the grocery store mistakes, and the failed diets time and time again.

Stephanie and Margo had also fallen into the same traps and struggled with their fitness for years due to these mistakes. But something changed immediately when they starting using the workout and dietary techniques that I revealed to them.

They finally started getting results and losing layer upon layer of ugly body fat after years of struggling to lose even a couple of pounds!

Change Your Methods Drasticallyand Your Body Will Change Drastically... Get Out That Bikini!

After finally changing her ways and adopting a new way of thinking about food, working out, and what she can achieve, Stephanie has lost over 70 lbs and literally made herself an entirely new person. She feels more energetic, looks about 10 years younger now, and is finally confident to wear whatever she wants out of the house now, after years of being self conscious.

Margo also lost 23 lbs so far and is feeling the best she has in over 2 decades after implementing these techniques that she learned in my system. She's actually enjoying food more now than ever before, yet still losing weight and firming up her entire body.

So What are Stephanie & Margo Doing DifferentlyThat Has Kick-Started Them Into a Whole New Lifestyle of Feeling Good & Looking Sexy?

Well, what they are doing is a uniquely designed full body program I put together called The Truth about Six Pack Abs.

After years of seeing so many frustrated people struggling with excess body fat and flabby abs and literally wasting their hard-earned money on worthless fat-loss products and six-pack abs gimmicks... I decided it was time to put together my own unique system to solve this problem.
Time and time again I even saw my friends and family just being flat-out scammed by the unscrupulous marketers in the fitness industry selling you all of this garbage that isn't going to do anything at all to change your body for the better... It's only going to make their wallets fatter!

What I did was put together an innovative scientifically-based fitness program that has finally revealed the truth about abdominals, stomach fat & love handles, and is helping tens of thousands of people around the world to finally conquer their struggle.

If you too can relate to this weight loss struggle you owe it to yourself to find out exactly what The Truth About Abs can do for you.

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