Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kettlebell Training For The Busy Woman (And Man)

Kettlebells will improve your quality of life. They will increase your energy level, reshape your body, increase your strength, relieve stress, increase your metabolism and take up less time.

Women often complain about how a slow metabolism contributes to their inability to lose weight. Increasing your metabolism is easy. High rep ballistic exercises and circuit training with kettlebells really boost your metabolism. You can include ballistic exercises in every workout. Swings, snatches, and cleans can be performed in numbers from one to hundreds.

That is what working out with kettlebells is all about and results come quickly. In as little as a week you can decrease body fat and see more muscle tone and definition. Kettlebells deliver on the promises. When you get the proper form down for the exercises your strength and flexibility will increase rapidly.

Kettlebell exercise workouts were made for busy women (Guys this is for you to).

Fast Efficient and Result Producing Workouts. And they can be done at home with minimal equipment.

Q: Is kettlebell training the ultimate way to train?

A: No one system is the ultimate way to train. Do not kid yourself as training is not a black and white world. Is kettlebell training effective for fat loss, strength training, and building muscle? Yes and it is a super fun way to train. In order to keep training interesting, you have to keep it fun and kettlebells are a great fit. You can benefit from kettlebell focused programs or you can incorporate kettlebell training into your current regimen. There is something for everyone.

Q: Is kettlebell training effective for fat loss?

A: Yes however pushing yourself away from the table more often and cutting krispy creme out of your diet is even more effective. Fat loss is 70% diet and 30% training. Unless you are a professional athlete where training is your job. Do not kid yourself into thinking that you train like a professional athlete unless you are one. Kettlebell training can be a very effective way to ramp up your metabolism. However, anyone that tells you that you can lose fat with kettlebell training and a crappy diet is doing you a disservice.

Kettlebell Training works plain and simple Lean Muscle Gains, Lose Body Fat Increase Your Energy and be more fit and healthier than you thought you would ever be.

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