Discover here the fat burning exercises to fast track your fat burning workouts(without doing marathon aerobic workouts)to get the permanent fat loss goals you want.
Imagine looking in the mirror in a few short weeks and you have not only lost__?__lbs of fat(fill in the blank) but you now have that six pack abs look!
Most of us tend to store fat, at least partially, in our abdominal area. This is one of the most stubborn places to lose fat from. But in trying to flatten your abs have you taken the best and fastest approach?
No I don't mean doing 1000's of crunches or spending hour after mindnumbing hour on a treadmill. yes you do want to do some abs specific exercises to tighten your ab muscles but keep in mind that is not what's going to burn off that excess stomach fat.
So what kind of workouts should you be doing to burn fat at the fastest possible rate? Let me show you.
Are you using total body fat burning exercises? Yeah I didn't think so.
Rule#1 If you want to flatten your abs, firm your butt, gain lean muscle, whatever, the most effective and efficient way is with total body fat burning exercises! Hands down.
What I am going to share with you here is not only the fast track approach to fat burning and to flatten your abs, but how to shape and tone your entire body.
Here are 3 total body fat burning exercises you can easily do at home to help flatten your abs and burn fat fast.
1) Mountain Climbers
Start in push-up position. Brace your abs bring on knee towards
your chest. Return the knee to the starting position and repeat
for the other knee. Do this in a swift tempo as though you are
2) Burpees
Stand up in a normal position. squat down. Put your hands on
the floor and throw your feet back so you are in the push-up
position. Do a push-up(if your conditioning allows) return to
starting position. Yeah you got it the old squat thrust from
high school.
3) Kettlebell Swing (No kettlebell? Get one or use a dumbbell)
Stand up straight with your feet just slightly wider than your
shoulders while holding one kettlebell(we are doing a two handed
kettlebell swing). Flex at the hips as you swing the kettlebell
between your legs. Then quickly and explosively flex your butt
and swing the kettlebell up to chest level. Perform the
kettlebell swing for about 10 reps.
After you have finished with the kettlebell Swing, rest for about 20 to 30 seconds. Then start again and do the whole fat burning circuit as many times as you can in 15 minutes.
Do this circuit of total body fat burning exercises 2-3 times a week. On off days from your weight training workouts. You are weight training aren't you? No! Start!
Make this a regular workout and in a short amount of time(along with a healthy eating plan) and that six pack abs look will be yours.
Remember total body fat burning exercises like I have just showed you are the fast track to get that six pack abs look.
Picture this moment: In 30 short days from now you look in the mirror and there it is Or actually there it isn't. It's You with 8-10 lbs less body fat. Close your eyes
right now see it and focus on it. Imagine how you will feel with what you have accomplished.
For more fat burning exercises, healthy eating tips and more please check out my newest web site Fat Burning Diets And Workouts
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