Saturday, May 30, 2009

Get Shapely,Slender Thighs And A Firm Butt With These 4 Exercises

How you are going to have slender shapely thighs and have a firm butt with incredible shape. If you are willing to put in the time and effort with the exercises I am about to show you that new body you desire is within reach.

Many people have the top goal of achieving a set of six pack abs, your primary goal might be strengthening, slimming and toning your legs and and having a firmer butt , giving your lower body a curvier and more shapely, yet still muscular appearance.

When your body shows good tone and definition, it really enhances your the overall image, making it well worth your time and effort.

In order to maximize both the strength potential and appearance of your leg and glute muscles, there are some key exercises you will want to focus on.

By doing so, you'll be sure you're getting the most for your time spent as well as see the quickest results possible - because no one wants to spend more time doing leg workouts than they have to.

Exercise# 1 Full Squats

One of the biggest mistakes that women make when doing the squat exercise is shorting themselves of the full movement. Most times women (and men) don't go low enough on squats. When doing your squats make sure you are going down below parrallel

The primary reason being it's those last few inches at the very bottom of the squat where you're really going to call the hamstrings and glutes into play, contracting the muscles to maximum tension.

Exercise #2 One Leg Split Squat

Another exercise that's fantastic for hitting those glute muscles while giving your behind a very curved and attractive appearance is split squats. To perform this one you simply place one leg up on a bench or box behind you, while standing on the other leg straight underneath you.

Hold either a pair of dumbbells at your side or else have a barbell resting across your back and then slowly bend the leg you're standing on to move into the squat position.

To add a little extra intensity to this movement once you've got the basic squat down, try pausing for a second at the bottom before lifting upwards. Once you're comfortable with this, then take a second pause half way through the upwards portion, and then rise back up to the full standing position.

Try and go as low as you can comfortably, and then straighten the leg again until you're at the top of the position.

After you've finished all your reps on that side, you then repeat the exercise standing on the other foot. Note also with this exercise that the further your standing foot is from the leg behind you, the more you will work the hamstring muscles while if it's directly underneath the center of balance, you'll target your quads more.

Exercise #3 Romanian Deadlifts

Next up on the list are romanian deadlifts where your feet are slightly raised upon a block or board. Having this extra flexion with the foot will put slightly more tension on the hamstring and butt muscles, upping the intensity of the exercise.

Note that if your aim is primary strength development, you may want to go without the block as you will likely lift more weight, but if you aren't as concerned with max strength and more focused on just defining the muscles, this is a good variation to incorporate into your program.

Exercise #4 Box Step Ups

Finally, the last exercise you can do to target the legs and glutes are box step ups.

These will promote the development of the quads nicely, so they will be a good addition to the deadlifts just mentioned above.

To perform this exercise you basically just stand right behind a box or bench, while either holding a set of dumbbells or while resting a barbell across your back, they also can be done with just your bodyweight.

From there, place one leg directly up on top of the box and use that leg to pull the other one up to meet it.

Once you're at the top, you have the option of stepping down with the other leg leading now, or stepping down in the same manner you stepped up.

Whichever method you choose to use, be sure you then switch feet after the set is completed, so you balance the tension placed over both the legs.

Well there you are 4 exercises to get you that firm butt, slender thighs and tight abs.

What's that? Oh what do these exercises have to do with getting tight abs?

Squats (of all forms) when done correctly and with proper form are a great ab exercise. Want six pack abs? Work your squats and see what I mean.

Okay that's it for today. The rest is up to you.


Firm Butt Slender Thighs And Tight Abs for more exercises and workout information

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